Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Learning to expect the unexpected.

This pregnancy has been quite an experience for both Dan and I.  While it has not been what we thought it would be in many regards, we have felt and seen the hand of the Lord throughout this experience.  I think it has shown us that we are not the ones in charge and has also reassured us that things will happen according to the timing and the will of the Lord.  I know He is aware of us and of these little boys. One thing I keep coming back to in this experience is how my specialist responded at our first visit when he found out we were LDS.  He knew we would be taken care of, and we have been; due in part to our knowledge about families and that they can be eternal as well as the temporal 'relief and watchcare' of family and our ward family here. What a blessing the gospel is in our lives! 

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