Thursday, June 2, 2011

Come on baby, light my fire

Birthdays . . . the one day a year people celebrate you and allow you to indulge a bit.  This year Dan and I went overboard for each others birthdays . . . mostly because we could.  And let's be honest - it's nice when someone you love does that for you once in awhile.  

Dan loves to hike.  Dan also loves Oregon; what better gift than a hiking book for Oregon?!? (Hopefully the weather clears up soon and we can actually USE said book).

This one was no surprise at all - although he pretended it was.  Dan has been itching for a Kindle for quite sometime, so instead of trying to figure out which bells and whistles he wanted, he ordered it, and I wrapped it.  That is the smile of one happy, happy boy. 

One of Dan's 'summer projects' was to clean his grill.  And when I say clean, I mean - tear it apart, re-paint, sand etc., put it back together - type clean (which he just finished last weekend).  In anticipation of said event, I bought him a lighter (every pyro's dream). . . .

 . . . and grill cover.  Probably his favorite gift though - was the Disney movie Bedknobs and Broomsticks - his favorite childhood movie. The only trouble was, once it was opened, we discovered there was no DVD inside. No kidding - Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.  After multiple attempts at contacting the company (we purchased it online) we were finally refunded the money though and purchased a new one that arrived about two weeks ago. 

1 comment:

  1. This was an awfully cute post!! I love how you write about him and about his presents - such simple pleasures! Love it and love you!
