Sunday, May 15, 2011

Not in Kansas anymore . . .

Just over a week ago, I returned from being in Kansas for a week, helping my brother who just had twins.  They are adorable . . . a handful, but adorable.

These two munchkins did a great job of tag-teaming it; when one finished fussing, the other would often begin.  Forgetting my camera, again, I took a picture with my camera in one of the rare moments they were both peacefully sleeping.  Brooke is on the left and Natalie is on the right.  Brooke was born first with Natalie a few minutes behind. 

Despite being an exhausting week, it was also an insightful one.  Taking care of two made me realize taking care of one, would more than likely be a much easier task. I also spent some time reflecting on the role of a mother and the influence she has in the lives of her children.  I realized the sacrifices my parents made to raise my siblings and I and wondered how they managed not to kill us while we were growing up.  So, thanks mom and dad; thanks for caring, teaching, molding, guiding, and loving us . . . and continuing to do those things for us today.

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