As a child, I remember singing a song with the line, "What's more American than baseball?" Though I had never really participated much in baseball or softball there were many 'greats' in baseball whom I admired at the time for their courage and character. Jackie Robinson, for example; Mickey Mantle, Babe Ruth - how could you not love these men and admire their gumption?!?
Admiring there stories was one thing . . . actually loving the game, (or playing it for that matter) in my opinion, was a whole different ball of wax. You see, when Dan and I were dating, he learned how terribly petrified I was of small, hard objects flying at lightning speed towards my head. Some may laugh at that, but seriously - I want to die young because of getting hit by one of those.
Wanting to help me overcome this fear, about a year ago, Dan bought us gloves and a softball so we could play catch in the park. And, you know, I actually find myself enjoying it now. We'll often go to a nearby park on Dan's lunch break and play catch for about 10-15 minutes and I keep being surprised at how enjoyable a time we have.
Prior to dating Dan, I think I had only played catch once in my life. . . . and much like Oregon, the game is growing on me. Watching it on TV - still not my thing. However, playing it and going to a game causes me to pause and be grateful Dan is helping me overcome that fear and more fully appreciate 'The American Game'.
I love that you two do this. Peter and I play catch because Peter loves it, and I always enjoy it too. Although I think we play catch most often when I have a big baby bump belly as a target.