Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Get your booties on, cuz it's cold outside

Neither Dan, nor I, can remember the last time we were as cold as we were in DC. Dan and I both bought beanies shortly after we took this picture, and probably consumed more hot chocolate this weekend than we had in the last 2-3 winters. 

I have always admired Charles Lindburgh and Amelia Earhart . . . mostly because of their tenacity in pursuing dreams/goals that seemed unobtainable.  Not only did we get to touch the moon (which I later found out was something on Dan's bucket list), but we also got to see the original Orville Wright brothers airplane and The Spirit of St. Louis.

Despite the cold, it certainly was pretty.  Joggers on the mall were not uncommon to see. . . a bit crazy if you ask me.

The Capitol tour and Library of Congress were two other 'favorites' of mine. I learned, and got to see, so many amazing things.  Honestly, I can't remember a lot of them, but I do remember the feeling of sacrifice and importance of these places.  God bless America!

Like many others, Abraham Lincoln fascinates me and we learned a ton about him on this trip.  Between Gettysburg, an special exhibit in the American History Smithsonian, and Ford's Theatre I came away with a greater respect for what he did for this country at such a critical cross-roads in our nation's history.   

Below are a few pictures taken at Ford's Theatre, where Lincoln was shot.

This is the home where Lincoln was taken after being shot, and where he ended up dying a few hours later.

Inside the Theatre, they have re-produced it to look like what it would have the night of Lincoln was shot.

This isn't the best picture, but this is the actual furniture Lincoln was sitting on during the play.

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